Friday, June 22, 2007

Creep On My Street

This is going to be a lengthy post. In my most horrible dreams, I would never imagine that I would have to share my neighborhood with a convicted child molester. But that is just what's living 8 houses down from us and even more unbelievable...he has a woman with 2 young girls (maybe 10 yrs and 5 yrs old) living in the house with HIM!!! My best friend, Mitzi, checked the VA sex convict website for family and friend zip codes and up popped this freak living on my street from Georgia. Apparently, he moved in about 3 mos. ago into a rental and oddly enough, that's about the time I started noticing his truck. Not a creepy feeling, just aware of a new vehicle coming and going regularly. My first post was "Inviting All Freaks" and I naively thought I might have to deal with the Internet Kind with this blog. At least I have the ability to "block" those from my computer. What to do when a real one moves in? Well, I called Georgia to find out more details about his crime, thinking that might alleviate some worry. Sorry, he's a real pervert. 7 x-rated and graphically vile charges in 2001. Sentenced to 15 years probation. What, no jail time? Come on!!!
His sex offender photo has what's called the pedophile smile. Part grin and Part smile. So Evil. I don't think I would smile in my mug shot. It has to be legally wrong for him to be living with children. Right??? Wrong. After only 5 years of probation he was released from probation, according to the State Police, and he is apparently FREE to live as he wishes. I can't believe he doesn't have to answer to someone. Georgia's a big state. It's suspicious that GA has a 2 strikes your out (life in prison) if you are convicted twice of child molestation and he doesn't want to live in GA. Is VA laws pedophile friendly? I wonder too if the woman he's living with is aware of his convictions and she's OK with "it".
I've talked many times with Canon about Stranger Danger. He's knows he can scream, poke eyes, punch balls, bite and every physical thing he's NOT suppose to do to people he loves if he is faced with an abductor. It was a sad day when I had tell him about that particular house and who and what appropriate touching is about. At this point, it seems nothing more can be done but to send out the warning letters and hope that he moves. My other hope is our neighborhood children will be safe and the two little girls in that home will be safe too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, we had a sex offend living 2 blocks from my house. We didn't even know it until, he was arrested for child porn on the net.

Kids all over my neighbor hood...walk by where he lived everyday.

Society is so scary for young kids ...parents have to be aware of what is going on and protect the kids.