Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas (from July)

This is probably the only GOOD family photo I have because I'm usually taking the pictures. If my kids ever get amnesia, they are going to think I abandoned them; I was never around... it was ALL Daddy. This one my sister, Paris, took in July...hence the tans. Now there will be family photos from Christmas morning, but I'm not about to publish publicly my beautiful 'morning face' and how happy I look before my first cup of coffee. Especially Christmas, because I will be up late on the Eve helping the kids get to sleep (benadryl), wrapping presents (horribly), putting together those God-awful Hot Wheels' toys(cussing), prepping for the next day's feast(more than a greenbean casserole) and double checking MY list (wine, sleep, sparkly things).Happy Holidays to all we know and love!!!

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